2018- 2019 SCHOOL YEAR

Thank you for your support! We have filled both of the AM and PM sessions this year.

Check back in the Spring if you would like to enroll for the 2019-2020 school year.

  • Please email me your name, child's name/age and session preference to reserve your spot


  • Download a registration form (linked to the left) and mail it to:

Greyhound Puppies Preschool

c/o Heather Duff Northern Burlington County Regional HS

160 Mansfield Road East

Columbus, NJ 08022

Please e-mail Mrs. Duff at hduff@nburlington.com if you have any questions.

Some typical activities are listed below:

Arts and Crafts: The students plan crafts that are appropriate for the children's age. We encourage the children to do their own work. Consequesntly, you may have pet rocks coming home with five eyes or a valentine that only slightly resembles a heart!

Story Time: One of the earliest skills that the Child Development students learn is how to tell a children's story. They will tell stories with a lesson that will teach a skill. Sometimes there will be an activity, song, or craft that will accompany the story.

Outdoor Play: When weather permits, we take the children outside in our fenced in play area. we have a giant parachute that helps build strong arm muscles as well as trikes, cars, wagons, balls and many other outdoor pieces of equipment.

Free Play: Occasionally, we schedule classes that have no specific plan. This allows the children to play uninterrupted. It also allows the students to observe the children as they interact with the other children. On these days, the children will build with blocks, play games, and enjoy our housekeeping center.

Science and Math: Exploration activities that involve science or early math are also a part of our preschool. We discuss weather, insects, magnetism, and counting in addition to many other science and math activities.

Holidays: We accept that all children do not celebrate the same holidays. Therefore, we make every effort to accommodate different celebrations throughout the year. However, please understand that we only observe the secular aspects of these holidays.

In addition to our classroom we are very fortunate to be able to use other areas of the high school building. We often take "field trips" within the building. We often plan lessons in conjunction with the nurse's office, band/chorus room, greenhouse (plant and animal activities), floral design and gym.

Please email Mrs. Duff at hduff@nburlington.com with any questions!