The PTSC is the parent, teacher, and student organization for the Northern Burlington County Regional School District. Our goals are to increase home-school communications, provide opportunities for parental involvement with school, and create a venue for parents, teachers, and students to share ideas about district programs. If a parent, teacher, or student is interested in becoming a part of the PTSC, please fill out the membership form.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at

Please remember to become a PTSC Member for this school year… especially if you have a Senior.

2022/2023 Executive Committee:

Janice Sarcomo – President
Julianne Kenney – Treasurer
Daneen Boyce – Corresponding Secretary
Leslie Wyers – Recording Secretary
Prathima Bhavankar– Membership Chair

Dr. Sally Lopez - High School Principal
Dr. Andrew Kearns - Middle School Principal

MS Teacher Rep: Lori Marchetti
HS Teacher Rep: Kim Ballinger

MS Student Rep: Marco Sarcomo
HS Student Rep: Sanath Bhavankar, Daniel Kenney, Isabella Sarcomo

Meeting Dates 2022/2023

September 28th @ 6:30 HS Media Center

October 25th @ 6:30 MS Media Center

December 7th @6:30 HS Media Center

Jan 26th @6:30 HS Media Center

March 15th @6:30 HS Media Center

April 25th @ 6:30 HS Media Center