NB Wall

December 2, 2022

Middle School Parent Message

Good Afternoon,

Here are the updates from the middle school:

Extended Learning Pilot:  We completed our pilot of the extended learning schedule on Thursday and Friday of this week. Trying something new can be challenging.  Thank you to our students and staff for helping to make it go as smoothly as possible.

On Monday, our students will have an opportunity to give their feedback on the pilot.  We look forward to their responses, as well as those from other stakeholders, to review the process and make adjustments as we move forward.


PowerSchool Mobile App: The PowerSchool Mobile App sync issue has been resolved.  Please sign out of your PowerSchool Parent Mobile App and log back in following these directions:

From the Dashboard

  • Click on the three dots above More at the bottom right

  • Click on Account

  • Click on Sign Out at the top right

This will bring you back to the Sign In page

School Store Holiday Season Hours:  The middle school store is holding holiday hours for parents who are looking to do some shopping for that special greyhound.  The hours are listed below:

  • Thursday, December 8 2:40-3:40

  • Thursday, December 15 2:40-3:40

  • Tuesday December 20 2:40 - beginning of choral concert

  • Thursday, December 22 2:40-3:40

  • In person shoppers receive a 15% discount

Those unable to make it in person, purchases may be made online and picked up at the main office by visiting the Hound Pound Online Store that can be found at this LINK.

Food Drive:  The middle school will be working with the Food Bank of South Jersey to sponsor a food drive the week of December 12.  Look for information on the donations as we approach that date.

Federal Impact Aid Survey:  Our window to collect Federal Impact Aid Surveys is drawing to a close.  If you have not submitted the form on behalf of your child, please anticipate that we will contact you or your student.  This is an important source of our school’s funding.  We appreciate your support in this regard.

NB Winter Craft Fair:  Come out to our 4th annual Northern Burlington Holiday Craft Fair on Sunday, December 4.  There will be plenty of holiday items for purchase and music for all to enjoy. We hope to see you there. Proceeds benefit our Northern Choral and Theatre Programs. Winter Craft Fair Flyer

PTSC News: Our December meeting is Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 6:30 pm in the high school media center. Ms. Keisha Fitzgerald, director of guidance, and Mrs. Nicole Kearns, clinical counselor, will be our guest speakers presenting Mental Health at NBC and a short q&a. It will be followed by updates from our administration and PTSC committees. 

Check our website (www.nburlington.com/page/ptsc) for more information.

Clinical Corner:  With Thanksgiving being last week, it seemed appropriate to write about how gratitude has the power to positively affect our life. In “Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier”, Robert Emmons, PhD reports that when you practice gratitude, your level of happiness can get a 25 percent boost! It makes sense that when we focus on what we have, we are less likely to be anxious, sad or frustrated about what we don’t. That being said, this does not always come easily. One of the tricks is just trying to keep it simple and being mindful to try to take a minute to notice or remember people, places and things we are grateful for. In an article in Daring to Live Fully, titled 22 Gratitude Exercises That Will Change Your Life, the author discusses strategies like incorporating gratitude into your morning coffee ritual, keeping a gratitude journal, writing a letter of gratitude to someone or making a charm bracelet with charms that symbolize things that are meaningful to you to name just a few. Included in this list are a couple strategies that go into more detail that would be appropriate to do with your children or students. With the stress of the holidays upon us, who couldn’t use a 25 percent increase in happiness that just might help us enjoy them more?

COVID: As a reminder, students who are ill should stay home. There are lots of illnesses, besides COVID, that we want to limit the spread in school, including influenza.

For those students who have symptoms that might indicate the potential of COVID, they will need to be tested before returning to school.  COVID Testing can be done in a Doctor’s office, community testing site or an at-home test with results provided to the School Nurse.  If negative, students may return when feeling well and symptoms free. In cases where students do test positive for COVID, they will need to remain home for a minimum of five days. Students who test positive for COVID and return to school after five days are strongly recommended to wear a well fitting mask around others through the tenth day.  

Please contact our school nurse with any questions, tpugliese@nburlington.com.

RELAY FOR LIFE:  Relay for Life of Northern Burlington is back and it will be an IN-PERSON event on May 20-21, 2023!

From May 20th at 6:00 p.m. to May 21st at 6:00 a.m. we will gather on the football field to raise money and awareness for the American Cancer Society! The night is spent celebrating survivors, supporting cancer patients, and remembering friends and family. There are also events and games all night long, and you can spend the night hanging out with your friends and family. All are welcome!!!!


If you have any questions or you would like to be a part of the Relay for Life of Northern Burlington Committee, please contact Lori Nadolny (lnadolny@nburlington.com ) or Dr. Sally Lopez (slopez@nburlington.com ).

If you would like to participate in Relay for Life by creating a team or joining a team, please visit the website:  https://relayforlife.org/NB


Join us and help to make the 2023 Relay for Life of Northern Burlington the best yet! Our next organization/information meeting will be December 14th, in room 110 of the High School at 6pm.

Middle School Drama:  Mark Your Calendars for  The Aliens Are Coming!  The Aliens Are Coming! by Tim Kelly

The owners of The Meteorite Inn, Doug and his sister, Peggy, decide to capitalize on the fact that they’re close to a restricted zone known only as ’Area 502.’ (Rumor has it the government keeps an alien prisoner housed there!)  The hotel’s dining room specialty becomes ’Marsburgers’ and they rent out the conference room to Hyacinth Muggleworth, a rather eccentric lady who’s holding a UFO convention. The Meteorite Inn overflows with excited UFO believers and speakers who claim they’ve been abducted by aliens and held prisoner in spaceships!  Sheriff Chickamauga tries to figure things out as he munches on a doughnut.  Is that an alien starship hovering overhead? With its hilarious action and funny dialogue, this play is out of this world!  You could even say it’s X-cellent!

The performances will be on December 9 and 10 at the middle school.   Tickets will be sold at the door starting at 6:30 pm.  The curtain rises at 7:30 pm.  Adult tickets are $8 and $5 for Students/Seniors with ID.  Tickets are cash only, exact change appreciated.  We hope to see you there!

NB HS Girls Soccer Fundraiser:  NB Girls Soccer is selling delicious holiday desserts from A&M Garden Center. The fundraiser is running until December 14th, with pick up on the 22nd--Just in time for the holidays! Scan the QR code or follow the link on the flyers to order your pies and cakes today!



Important Dates:

Dec. 4:  Winter Craft Fair. 9 am to 2 pm

Dec. 7:  PTSC General Meeting, 6:30 pm, High School Media Center

Dec. 9:  Early Dismissal of Students/Professional Development 

Dec 9 & 10: MS Drama, The Aliens Are Coming! The Aliens Are Coming!, 7:30 pm

Dec. 12:  Student Congress Canned Food Drive Begins

Dec. 14:  Middle School Instrumental Concert, 7 pm

Dec: 20:  Middle School Choral Concert, 7 pm

Dec. 23:  Early Dismissal

Dec. 24:  Winter Recess Begins

Jan. 2, 2023:  School Resumes


Enjoy the weekend!


Andrew Kearns, Ed.D.
