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September 23, 2022

Middle School Parent Message

Back to School Night:  Thank you to all who were able to come out to the Back to School Night.  We were glad you were able to join us.  As the year progresses, please be sure to stay in contact with your child’s teachers and follow your child’s progress on PowerSchool and Google Classroom.  For those of you not able to attend, a copy of the introductory slide show can be found HERE.

We look forward to welcoming you to school for parent conferences in November.

Student Lunches:  We have run this message several weeks in a row, but it is really important so we will run it yet again. As you know, lunches are no longer free for all students.  We are concerned that students who might qualify for free or reduced lunch have not submitted an application to receive this assistance.  We do not want any children who might need this service to have any difficulties in getting their lunch.  If there is any doubt, please be sure to complete the application.  The application can be found on our webpage under parent/student resources and at this LINK.

Winter Sports:  Athletic registration for the winter season is now open. For the middle school, these are basketball, wrestling, and cheerleading.

Please refer to the link below.  If you created an account for the fall season, you DO NOT need to create a new account.  Log in with your username and password that you used for the fall.


If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. O’Neill in the Athletic Office by emailing moneill@nburlington.com or calling 609-298-3900, ext. 2093.

Homecoming 2022…. A Night at the Movies:  The Homecoming Carnival and game are scheduled for Saturday, October 8th. The carnival will be held from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and the football game starts at 2:00 pm. This is open to the entire community. Carnival only tickets are $10. They can be purchased at the event.

Start Strong:  The New Jersey Department of Education is again requiring school districts to administer the Start Strong Assessments.  According to the NJDOE, “As a result of the disruption to education due to the COVID-19 pandemic, opportunities to deliver instruction and supports for learning acceleration remain a critical priority at the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE). Pursuant to the Commissioner's regulatory authority, local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to administer the Start Strong assessments as part of the overall Statewide assessment system.”

The Start Strong Assessments will provide teachers, students, parents and schools with meaningful data at the beginning of the school year that complements the data our teachers are already collecting, so that we may best educate our students in the 2022-2023 school year.  

The Start Strong Assessments will measure the prior grade level standards. The following grades/subjects will be tested in the Middle School, October 12-13 with make-up testing.

  • Grade 7: ELA 7, Math 7

  • Grade 8: ELA 8, Math 8, (ALG or GEO if applicable)

We will administer these tests in the first 90 minutes of the morning on October 12 and October 13 and then will follow a modified schedule for the remainder of the school day.  The assessments are digital and can be completed within 60 minutes.   Students must bring their district issued charged chromebooks to complete the assessments.  Students who are testing are encouraged to get a full night’s rest, eat a healthy breakfast and arrive promptly at the start of the school day.  

Please click on the link for further information about the Start Strong Assessments: New Jersey | Start Strong (mypearsonsupport.com)

NJ Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA) Results - Spring 2022: The district has received the Individual Student Reports (ISRs) from the Spring administration of the NJSLA.  These will be mailed within the next week and the scores will also be available in PowerSchool. 


Clinical Corner Spotlight:  September is progressing and it would be ideal to try and balance the demands and obligations that are starting to pile up as students settle into the school year.  Anxiety usually plays a role in this process.    Encouraging your teen to talk about what they are worrying about can help reduce the amount of anxiety they are feeling.   Empathizing with them about how uncomfortable anxiety can be, while encouraging them to be brave and push through their fear in small steps can also be a good middle ground.   Saying something like “I know this is hard for you AND you keep working at it.” This ARTICLE discusses teen anxiety in detail with realistic coping strategies to try.

As a reminder, a free 8 week in person after-school support group will be starting soon in both the Middle School and High School to provide students with a safe space to discuss various topics with their peers and a licensed clinician from First Children Services(FCS).  The main topics will include mental health concerns, emotion regulation, gaining self-awareness, communication and coping skills.   If you think your child would benefit from this service or have any questions please contact their school counselor.  Limited spaces available, Students must register.  Deadline is October 3rd.  Transportation is provided. 

  • High School-Thursdays from October 6-December 1 from 2:30-3:25.

  • Middle School-Tuesdays from October 4-November 22 from 2:40-3:35.

PTSC:  Just a reminder that we have a General Meeting on Wed, Sept 28 at 6:30 pm in the HS Media Center.  


The Homecoming carnival is just 3 weeks away! Pre-order your white greyhound shirt now for the tie dye event! If you can't make it to Homecoming but want a tie dye shirt, we can dye it for you! Sale ends 9/30!


PTSC A&M Holiday Dessert Fundraiser, featuring over 40 pies, cakes, cheesecakes, and donuts. Order by 11/14. Pick up will be 11/22 from 4-7 at the Middle School. https://forms.gle/8L8F7wUVKCbA...

COVID:  We have seen an increase in COVID cases, the last week or so.  As a reminder,  students who are ill should stay home. 

For those students who have symptoms that might indicate the potential of COVID, they will need to be tested before returning to school.  COVID Testing can be done in a Doctor’s office, community testing site or an at-home test with results provided to the School Nurse.  If negative, students may return when feeling well and symptoms free. In cases where students do test positive for COVID, they will need to remain home for a minimum of five days. Students who test positive for COVID and return to school after five days are to wear a well fitting mask around others through the tenth day.  Please contact our school nurse with any questions, tpugliese@nburlington.com.

Important Dates:

September 28:  PTSC General Meeting, 6:30 pm, HS Media Center

October 6:  Mid Marking Period

October 10:  No School for Students/Staff Development Day

October 12:  Middle School NJ Start Strong Assessments:  First 90 minutes of the School Day 

October 13:  Middle School NJ Start Strong Assessments:  First 90 minutes of the School Day

October 18:  Middle School Picture Day

October 21:  Early Dismissal of Students/Staff Development Day


Have a great weekend.


Andrew Kearns, Ed.D.
